In this tutorial I will show you how to create a new user, or profile, in Windows 7. There are a lot of families and businesses that cannot afford more then one computer. So when multiple people have to use that one computer things can get messing. These other people will usually download software, change the settings or infect the computer with some virus or spyware and as a result you will be affected. The best solution to this problem is to create a separate account for each person so they can customize their account the way they want and you can even control the amount access a user has to the computer. Creating a user is easy with Windows 7 and the benefits are endless. Lets get started.
1. To get started, click the Start button on the taskbar.
2. Now click on the Control Panel button on the start menu.
3. Next step is to click the Add or Remove user Account link under the User Accounts and Family section.
4. Once the Manage Accounts screen appears you will click on the Create a New Account link near the bottom.
5. After pressing the link you will asked to enter a name for the new user. Select the appropriate name and then choose the type of user you want to create. You can choose between a Standard or Administrator user . The difference between the users is the amount of access the user will have to make changes to the operating system. An Administrator will have full access, while a Standard user will not be able to make system changes. Once you have selected the type of user press the Create Account button.
6. Now that the new account is created you can log off the current user by click the Start button and pressing the arrow button right next to the Shutdown and then choose Log Off.
7. You will now see the newly created profile and you can click on the user profile and youre done.
Tips:– If you are setting up multiple users on one computer it is highly recommended to create a password for each user.- If you there are any unused accounts it is wise to delete that account to free up hard drive space.
Thats it! Its really that simple. We hope the tutorial How to Create a New User Account in Windows 7 has helped you with your Computer Repair issue.
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